Thursday, 30 May 2013

Literacy Week

This week was Literacy Week. We had lots of fun activities during the week promoting the love of reading. We made masks of characters from different books. 
Can you guess who we are?

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Science and Technology Week

We had a great Science and Technology Week. The were lots of hands on activities that we could participate in during lunchtimes and each day we had an estimation challenge. On Tuesday afternoon we took part in water experiments - testing the absorbency of fabrics, dissolving different substances and seeing what objects float or sink. The homework challenge for the week was a huge success. Many children made a kite at home and brought it to school on Friday. Our buddy class Room 10 helped us to fly them. There were kites of all shapes, colours and sizes. Well done to everyone who had a go at making a kite!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Our Rainforest Trip

We really enjoyed our exciting trip to the Waitakere Ranges on Tuesday. Below are some photos of our  journey as we travelled on the Rain Forest Express to see the Upper Nihotupu Dam. From the Dam we walked out of the bush to catch the bus. It was a fabulous day. We saw lots of water!!!

Sunday, 12 May 2013


Our new topic for this term is Water. We have started the unit by thinking about how we use water at home. We found out that we use it in lots of different ways. Here is the list that we came up with:
    Brushing our teeth, watering plants, drinking, washing dishes, washing clothes, having a shower, having a bath, washing hands, making soup, making noodles, baking, swimming in the pool, flushing the toilet, washing the house, washing the car, washing pets.
